What Is Reiki?

Reiki means "Universal Life Energy." The universal life force within the plant, human, or animal body is called life energy, which gives the living being the ability to live its life with strength,  purpose, and the natural ability to heal itself. People, plants, or animals whose life energy is low are more likely to become ill or feel stressed. Reiki energy, which is usually transferred to the recipient with the practioner's hands, increases the body's energies and clears any blockages that may exist. Reiki therapy releases stress and promotes healing and well-being on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.  Reiki therapy can be applied to all living things - plants, humans, and animals.

Reiki is a form of alternative therapy which can be used as an adjunct to conventional medicine. It is
a simple, natural and safe healing method that can be used by anyone, on themselves or others, as part of a total treatment program for virtually any illness. Reiki practitioners need not be present in the same location as the recipient. Distant Reiki treatments are as effective as in-person treatments. And Reiki recipients need not be ill to experience the benefits of a distant Reiki treatment.

What Reiki Is Not

Reiki is not a replacement of conventional medicine, but is rather a wonderful part of a total treatment program for any disease/illness. Reiki treatments are not dangerous. They are perfectly safe and can never do harm, as the recipient's body will only draw the energy that is required and it will go where it is needed. The Reiki practitioner acts only as a conduit, or channel,  for universal life energy. Reiki treatments are generally given with the intent that the universal energy will produce the results needed for the recipients highest good.

Reiki is not a miracle drug and recipients should not expect an immediate cure. Reiki energy is a gentle, subtle form of treatment that takes time to produce its full benefit. The disease/illness took time to develop and patience and trust in the universal life energy will help. Major life changes and physical healing may take some time. Finally, to reiterate, Reiki is a complimentary therapy and we strongly believe and advocate that regular medical care from your doctor(s) should continue to be sought and followed in addition to receiving Reiki therapy.

What You Can Expect During And After A Reiki Session

Clients may experience a number of sensations during a Reiki treatment including heat, cold, gentle tingling, or visual sensation. Alternatively, clients may feel nothing at all. Every treatment is unique for each person.

After a Reiki attunement, students may experience a 21-day cleansing process. During the detoxification period, issues from the student's past and present are healed on the mental, emotional and physical levels. Although some clients experience nothing after a treatment or attunement, healing is taking place, but it is on a level other than the physical realm.